Everybody Needs A Little Space

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Feeling Blue? eat a Blueberry!

A Blueberry for your thoughts??? I just read where Blueberries are good for mental health and memory? If that is the case (and I did one of my famous Google searches to check it out) I need to be eating a cup of blueberries with every meal! Here are the nutritional facts:

A daily serving (1 cup) of blueberries provides:
80 Calories with 21g Carbohydrate, 1g Protein, and 0g Fat
25% of your day's supply of vitamin C
14% of your day's supply of fiber
2% of your day's supply of folic acid (aids in the prevention of birth defects)
ORAC Value (provides anti-cancer and anti-aging benefits)

Here is what AOL HEALTH had to say Blueberries -These amazing berries are on anyone's list of super foods. Recent research shows that they're brain food -- feeding blueberries to rats actually slows their age-related mental decline. Blueberries contain pterostilbene, a plant compound recently shown to have cholesterol-lowering properties. Their ORAC value (antioxidant rating) is the highest of any fruit. And blueberries are rich in fiber. Tip: Try them frozen. They taste like sherbet!

Eat to your health with these 10 super foods-read more by clicking, blueberries are one of the 10 super foods!
BLUEBERRIES: Blueberries are one of nature's richest sources of antioxidants, which means they fight cell-damaging free radicals. And that means they help prevent cancer - and slow the aging process, too.

I am going to go eat some Blueberries now!